remember how you so wisely moved as a babe?

There's a lot of noise out there about yoga and movement and meditation... so many people trying to tell you to do it this way -- no, do it that way -- no, this completely different way...on and on…

we need you!

We need you! VITALITY buzz, bliss + books will very, very soon publish four new authors/artists from our VITALITY circle with three new books -- and we need you to pre-order your copies so that we… with us...

What will bring this gnarly grass to vitality again? The bees sure know! As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we began VITALITY buzz, bliss + books LLC to share ideas from our circle...creations…

this could be you!

This could be you! "This is the first time I've had this many pain-free days in a row for years — all because of Movement Intelligence! Why in the world would I accept surgery or strong medication…

As The Snow Flies, What Will Be Your Spring?

The snow in the Ohio River Valley has been a welcome quarantine-relief for me. The crunch of my feet in it, the absolute quiet of night. The ways it changes my life, the rhythms of my day, my…

need a little ecstasy, ease, and love in your life?

There was once a way of knowing YAHWEH -- the very breath of life! -- long before modern organized religions came to be. There was once a way of knowing YAHWEH -- the very essence of life! -- long…

the deep source of my life

If 2020 was about seeing clearly -- with 20/20 vision -- then what will 2021 be about for you? What did you come to see clearly in your life? For me, I felt like so much of my life was grasping at…

the ends of the world

join our weekly email list by clicking here How many 'ends of the world' have you lived through? Quite a few if you're my age. I remember being on the bus in first grade when one of the older kids…

the wonder of the dancing steam...

Everyone keeps asking if I'm ready to hibernate...especially after quarantining the past eight months. I think I am. The hibernating months of December and January and February have always been rich…

feels different?

Do a lot of things feel differently to you too? Changing of traditions, changing of structures, changing what's important. I suspect that when we emerge from our covid-quarantine for good some time…