Self-Care Discoveries Blog

party with us

The big batch of books arrived like the wind! Matt and I hope you've grown at least a tad bit curious about how our creativities have come together in winds of (r)evolution... especially as our world…

so quick--

One day its all budded up and the next day it unfurls so beautifully. And you too? Two great opportunities this week and get them while you can before we take our July/summer break!  Unfurl! Healing…

one week

Well, Spring here continues to inspire, yes? My favorite magnolia tree in the neighborhood is in full bloom and has been for a few weeks.  The ideal temperatures we've been having seem to have…

walks on Earth

Well, it's been gorgeous in the Ohio River Valley! Makes me want to take a few more walks, and then come home with a few lines of a poem wanting out onto the page. As I've shared with you, those…

brilliantly helpful

Paula Dunson led us in a brilliantly helpful Decision-Making Workshop Saturday. Such a gift to see and hear and be moved by 11 of us in the circle at VITALITY...reminiscent of the old days,…

last calls

Matt Klooster and I are so grateful to all of you for supporting our winds of (r)evolution...Matt's paintings and my poems. Yesterday as we were working on the book, Matt mentioned that this is in…

"flexibility of view"

Did you catch what Neil Theise said at yesterday's keynote? Wow. "When you think you know what you're looking it, check around.  Are there other views that reveal something else?" Most of the time,…

in your home

I've been delighted by all the interest in Bones for Life -- so many new friends and long-time friends coming out for our in-person classes! And some of you have shared that you really only want to…

last call + free video

Had another delicious walk this morning -- the irises!!!  You too? The short process in the video has helped my walking so much, despite how furry I am in the video!  Click here for the free video.…


I take a walk every morning soon after I get up.  I spiral out of bed Bones-for-Life style and have a drink of water and then find the floor and explore a short Bones for Life process and then lace…