
those winds--

Those winds -- they're a real live thing! And so is the book Matt Klooster and I have been working on for a few months now. It's our hope that winds of (r)evolution could be helpful for what is upon…

walk right into your health & dreams

I went for my morning walk today and discovered that my favorite sycamore tree atop the hill began blooming. It wasn't blooming yesterday morning, as I've kept an eye on it and worried a bit about…

catch up on the replay...and stronger bones today!

I had so much fun at Tuesday's free livecast -- hope you did too! If you missed it, the replay will be available for a few days, so catch it while you can and hear how my own yoga 'practice' has…

solstice dreams and dances

We humans have plenty of ways to mark time. Holidays of all sorts, birthdays, rituals…even clocks. We all have our own orbits, our own pathways to mark something as special, changing, different from…

the ends of the world

join our weekly email list by clicking here How many 'ends of the world' have you lived through? Quite a few if you're my age. I remember being on the bus in first grade when one of the older kids…