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Birthing a New Age

our circle of creative friends who know something big and new is coming…

and who want to help dream it into being!

Weekly invitations...

to move, to breathe, to rest, to contemplate, to stir our imaginations and welcome the birthing of a new age...

Member Only Videos & Invitations

Reflections from BIRTHING friends

From our BIRTHING friend Alex Toenniges:


From our BIRTHING friend Helen Buswinka:

Here’s the information for Thay’s ceremonies. It was very moving to be able to be there if only digitally:


From our BIRTHING friend Mike Eck:

Good morning dear friends. Was the phrase we were seeking about his leaving Vietnam – “forced into exile”?


From our BIRTHING friend Brian Shircliff:

Last night’s conversation helped me to put a few things together…gratefully:


From our BIRTHING friend Alex Toenniges:

UPDATE:  I realized that this version of the article I shared is shorter and has videos and moments for reflection included, which makes it more easily digestible, if you’d like to update it on the portal.

Since some of these topics came up in our discussion this week, just wanted to share a related resource from a course I’m taking if you’d like to pass it along to the group.


From our BIRTHING friend Bill Tonnis:

I enjoyed the conversation last night as it truly hit on a passion of mine, although I admit it’s not usually popular to say, “Hey, let’s talk about death.” Usually a party-killer right there!

Anyway, the Kathleen Dowling Singh book, “The Grace in Dying” was brought up. Great book. But when I looked at my collection, I realized I might have loved her final book even more. It’s title is: “Unbinding: the Grace Beyond Self”.

This description: An invitation to everyday mystics: unbind yourself from the causes of suffering and step into grace.

Singh was Buddhist but also speaks from a Christian perspective many times. Just like Thich Nhat Hanh, I think those two “get” Christianity better than most Christians!

So if you’d like to pass this along to those who gathered last night, that would be great. Also, here is a link to the song I sang last night, “Make Your Way.”

sent by our BIRTHING friend Mary Ellen Williams:

By way of offering reflections, I am sending something to Brian that particularly moved me sent by S. CJ Willis, SC. She said I could share it with whomever and whenever I wished.


Mary Ellen Williams

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News and Meeting Dates/Times

click "News" above for a list of dates/times for our meetings (then scroll down to the bottom)

Details about our annual BIRTHING A NEW AGE journal coming soon!

…discovering the goodnesses of the future through the present…!