Self-Care Discoveries Blog


We had a wonderful workshop at VITALITY last Saturday, Family Constellations led by Anne Becker and Paula Dunson.  Wow. I've been discovering more and more how important it is to have new experiences…

time to stand tall

There are plenty of things that can knock us down these days.  Watching the news for too long, experiencing some slight in a relationship, letting a troubling memory from the past sit with us too…

VITALITY...a circle that changes you, me, + the world

At our Inner Journey this past week, Helen Buswinka and I were noticing that what we do at VITALITY is very different from other groups. We do not have speakers or events where people just come hear…

need a new rhythm?

Has movement become difficult for you?  Not able to do the things you want?  Feel less flexible and less strong than you did last year?  Achy back or neck or knee or shoulder preventing you from…


As we leave one calendar behind for another, a new one, I always wonder what each new year might be inviting.  Yesterday gave me a glimpse...flexibility! Two events planned and two events already…

tonight...nature's holiday?

I've opted to say this year "Happy All The Holidays!" when wishing people well. It seems more fitting to me... until I begin to consider what is a holiday for the Earth, the planet on which we all…

come get your word

This year has seemed fast and slow all at once to me.  Now that snow is flying here in the Ohio River Valley, the feel of Winter seems close, even though I still get wisps of October in the air. But…

forty-five minutes

Krista Powers has so inspired me.  You might know her from her book she published with us last year, Midlife Calm: An Alternative to Midlife Crisis. She's on a healing journey which she shared with…

small business, big moves

Things are in full bloom at VITALITY! And so can you be... Sign up for the next Bones for Life® series which begins Tuesday! From Seriously Stressed & Sore... to Perfectly Patient & Poised! a…

make your moves

Last week we welcomed 25 people from around the world -- Australia, Great Britain, Japan, Norway, all over the US -- to Cincinnati for the Bones for Life® Teacher Training sponsored by Future Life…