Has movement become difficult for you?  Not able to do the things you want?  Feel less flexible and less strong than you did last year?  Achy back or neck or knee or shoulder preventing you from doing all the great things you want to do?  Bones for Life® has something for you!

Bones for Life’s gentle moves create quick change because we re-engage developmental patterns that helped you and me and all humans to build one’s nervous system, each on our own unique ways, all to help us stand tall and walk….and run and dance and on and on and on.

Many opportunities coming your way this month…though they fill quickly so reserve your spot…details below!

a unique, 90-minute interactive experience of drumming led by Josiah Wolf
& gentle moves led by Brian Shircliff
TODAY! Sat, Jan 6 at 3:30p 
$24 donation (or pay what you can)
RSVP to Brian by text/call: 513.300.5174

in-person drop-in $20 Bones for Life classes
four 75-minute sessions to choose from, or come to each one:
Tues, Jan 9 at 10:30a
Thurs, Jan 18 at 6:30p
Fri, Jan 26 at 10:30a
Tues, Jan 30 at 10:30a

RSVP to Brian by text/call: 513.300.5174.  All welcome – age 18+.  All welcome whether you’re new to Bones for Life or have some experience.  Brian will tailor the class to your needs!

free Bones for Life: 3-part Live Series (Zoom), each at 10a EST,
hosted by our friends at Future Life Now
January 16 – Stand Tall, Don’t Fall
January 18  – The Roots of Healthy Walking
January 23 – Arthritis to Osteoporosis: What to do?

Experience the near-magical feeling Bones for Life can give you in a few minutes.
Click here  to learn more and register.
The 10:00 EST doesn’t work for you? That’s ok! Register anyway and we will email you the replay videos of each session.


What if your path to regaining flexibility and strength and balance and joint-health could be a lot easier than you ever imagined?  Would that new discovery put a new rhythm in your step?  in your whole life?

It sure does mine!

Brian Shircliff

* and reminding you too that Inner Journey journaling is this Tuesday, Jan 9 at 6:30pm…led by Helen Buswinka

* donations for our drop-in programs help us pay our rent, and we know $10-20 could be too much for someone…all gifts welcome, from the change you found on the sidewalk today to a check if you won the lottery…no one is ever turned away for our drop-in classes…all truly welcome!