Healing Touch

so quick--

One day its all budded up and the next day it unfurls so beautifully. And you too? Two great opportunities this week and get them while you can before we take our July/summer break!  Unfurl! Healing…

brilliantly helpful

Paula Dunson led us in a brilliantly helpful Decision-Making Workshop Saturday. Such a gift to see and hear and be moved by 11 of us in the circle at VITALITY...reminiscent of the old days,…

grow love

It's going to be a big year. I've heard that from a lot of different people lately, people from all walks of life, from all over Earth. We will probably be invited to a lot of change...from elections…

about to be eclipsed

All the wars, all the unhappinesses for millions of reasons, all the worries about elections, all the fears about what havoc our changes to the climate might wreak on us this year... all of that and…

it's a gift to know

I've been traveling a bit the past few weeks and woke up with a sore neck the other day. Shouldn't be surprised -- awkward seats, lugging a bunch of things up and down stairs, the hustle and bustle…


It is quite something to be touched.  Especially in a way that demonstrates and feels like care. It's way more than a touch then. A touch like this can remind us we are whole, that you are whole and…

VITALITY...a circle that changes you, me, + the world

At our Inner Journey this past week, Helen Buswinka and I were noticing that what we do at VITALITY is very different from other groups. We do not have speakers or events where people just come hear…


As we leave one calendar behind for another, a new one, I always wonder what each new year might be inviting.  Yesterday gave me a glimpse...flexibility! Two events planned and two events already…

forty-five minutes

Krista Powers has so inspired me.  You might know her from her book she published with us last year, Midlife Calm: An Alternative to Midlife Crisis. She's on a healing journey which she shared with…

sweet new places

With the weather gently changing here in the Ohio River Valley, are you being invited to discover new places to hang out this beautiful Autumn? I feel that nudge.  And I noticed two of my little…