
Delighted to see so many of you taking advantage of the free Bones for Life series Cynthia Allen, Andrea Tutt, and I have offered the past ten days. So many of you've been telling us about such big…

Special Invite: Free Bones Training Series

We have some exciting news. Life doesn’t have to decline at a rapid rate as we live longer. We can meet aging with confidence. We look forward to showing you how at our FREE Bones for…

could Healing Touch save you $ in 2023?

When I first began exploring Healing Touch many years ago, I was amazed by the relief I found by something so simple. At the suggestion of a friend, I showed up to a group offering Healing Touch and…


A trainer I hired at a few gyms ago and I used to -- through the year -- say "It's a new year and a new you!" It's a trite phrase, of course, that we often hear around January 1. But we wished it to…


There is something special in contrast. We might just need it to grow -- to be able to notice the differences between things. In noticing differences, we discover early on in our development that we…

December's gifts

I don't know about you, but I have a habit of jam-packing my December. There are so many people I want to see, especially when they're in town for holidays. And all that goodness can get me feeling…

celebrate...NOW IS LOVE!

Cooper Simmons has a lot to celebrate -- his inspiring paintings are much loved by many buyers.  And now the poem he's been playing with since high school is ready for purchase! Cooper shared with me…

naked beauty

I took this photo a few weeks ago -- drawn by the day to notice the tree in all its beauty. But now those colors are crusty.  And those limbs and trunk are even more exposed.  Naked. The courage to…

showing up on the page

What will show up on the page for you tonight? You just might be surprised! In our twice-a-month Inner Journey journaling group, we chat about what's new in our lives and then give ourselves 20…

we need Tuesday night nappers!

This Tuesday night, we're getting the band back together again to offer Healing Touch sessions -- and WE NEED YOU! We have plenty of wonderful people coming to practice Healing Touch...Alyssa, Bruce,…