the circle opens today

We are so glad so many of you could join us as we opened our doors for the Open House and 13th Anniversary Party! Today our circle opens a little wider with our first in-person Inner Journey…

we are 13 today and welcome you!

Thanks for strolling down memory lane with us this week...sometimes the best way to an inner revolution is indeed to revolve back to our roots and wonder about the horizon calling our name to more…

being 13, part 5...the revolution

I remember well being 13 and telling my teacher that the prayer we did at lunch was dumb, in my own 13 year old way. The prayer was full of words that we didn't know or didn't use in 20th century…

being 13, part 4: in the urban garden

Sometimes it's a whole synchronicity of events that inspires great things. When we set out in 2010 to begin a holistic center, we certainly envisioned something with growing food.  It just seemed…

being 13, part 3: journaling

We first met in my living room, about once every other week when the Norwood space was just a dream. On a typical planning meeting in our circle you'd see Joyce & Tom Choquette, Penny Costilla,…

being 13, part 2: yoga

George Maggini, Jim Ollier, and Hank Burwinkel and their many friends with significant expertise -- thank you Dan Bruewer Electric! -- had already worked their magic on our Norwood space...a process…

being 13, part 1

This Saturday, Sept 9 from 2 - 4pm we welcome you to our 13th birthday and Open House in our new space. Just a few details now:  potluck, conversation at 3pm, 791 E McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206!…

the things you find on the floor

I stopped into the new space Sunday to put the cover on the new gathering-table/storage and found some ceiling tiles on the floor. Looks like there had been a leak from the roof. Our landlord had…

the rest of your life

Last week I shared about how sometimes we try things too late in life to make a big difference. The truth of the matter, of course, is that it's never too late...but in our heart of hearts we know we…

the differences

Sometimes we try things too late to make a big difference. That sore knee or back or neck comes and goes and we do little for it for years...until it really begins to hurt and a medical professional…