Capacitar Tai Chi

"flexibility of view"

Did you catch what Neil Theise said at yesterday's keynote? Wow. "When you think you know what you're looking it, check around.  Are there other views that reveal something else?" Most of the time,…


As we leave one calendar behind for another, a new one, I always wonder what each new year might be inviting.  Yesterday gave me a glimpse...flexibility! Two events planned and two events already…

we are 13 today and welcome you!

Thanks for strolling down memory lane with us this week...sometimes the best way to an inner revolution is indeed to revolve back to our roots and wonder about the horizon calling our name to more…

welcome & happy new year!

Well, friends, we've found our way into our new home. It feels good. There are a few small things to move in but it's feeling more and more like home. As you might notice from the photos here, we've…