conversations with prisoners

Jack Kennevan inspired me as a St. Xavier High School golf coach... and little did I know then that he was meeting with inmates every week as as volunteer chaplain too. Jack visited Hamilton County…

forty-five minutes

Krista Powers has so inspired me.  You might know her from her book she published with us last year, Midlife Calm: An Alternative to Midlife Crisis. She's on a healing journey which she shared with…

small business, big moves

Things are in full bloom at VITALITY! And so can you be... Sign up for the next Bones for Life® series which begins Tuesday! From Seriously Stressed & Sore... to Perfectly Patient & Poised! a…

make your moves

Last week we welcomed 25 people from around the world -- Australia, Great Britain, Japan, Norway, all over the US -- to Cincinnati for the Bones for Life® Teacher Training sponsored by Future Life…

there's a lot of hurt

It's been gorgeous here in the Ohio River Valley. But not everywhere on the planet, I know.  Our world is a harsh and tragic place for many of our fellow humans. What can we do? There are huge powers…

how do you want to move?

How would you like to move? What are the ways you'd like to move that have become difficult? Well, Bones for Life® could have the remedy for you to move in the ways you'd like no matter your age.…

sweet new places

With the weather gently changing here in the Ohio River Valley, are you being invited to discover new places to hang out this beautiful Autumn? I feel that nudge.  And I noticed two of my little…

who heals?

No one can heal you. You are already whole. Someone wise once told me, "Anyone who says they can heal you -- might be best to smile and run.  Or at least walk away quickly." But anyone or anything…

a strange and wonderful universe

What if the Universe were conspiring with you?  Pulling you like a thread toward some future of your dreams? When we gather in our Bengston 'Cycling' Circle at VITALITY we take time to think about…

stand out

Our space is feeling more and more like our home as we return to more and more in-person opportunities and people share their presence and voices in our space. We are grateful! Two great…