Cooper Simmons has a lot to celebrate — his inspiring paintings are much loved by many buyers.  And now the poem he’s been playing with since high school is ready for purchase!

Cooper shared with me that his poem Now Is Love began as a few lines on a scrap of paper, and then he added a few more and a few more and then felt called to keep shaping it.  Years later, he has a poem much in the spirit of the San Francisco Beats who were reaching into ancient meditative traditions to bring forward that well of goodness in new ways.

And Cooper has sprinkled some of his amazing paintings into the text too.  Exquisite!

Come celebrate with us…tea and coffee and cookies and some of Cooper’s world famous banana bread!
Sunday, Dec 4 from 3 – 5pm ET
we’ll toast Cooper at 4pm
free event * RSVP appreciated!
791 E McMillan – Walnut Hills (45206)
plenty of free parking in the lot attached to the building
between our building and Fireside Pizza/Copelen St 

For those friends who have pre-ordered Cooper’s book, here’s your chance to pick it up and get it signed by the author.  Or purchase it or any of VITALITY’s books that day — great holiday gifts!  Cooper will also have some of his paintings for sale.  Party!

And you can be VITALITY’s next published author/artist!  Join us tonight too

Inner Journey journaling
6:30pm ET tonight!

your choice: via Zoom or in-person in our Walnut Hills center – 791 E McMillan (45206)
$10 donation / pay-what-you-can

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 0104 9196
Passcode: 215933
Dare you let a few words turn into a few lines and then — wow — who knows what might show up on the page for you and then all the world to experience!

Brian Shircliff

PS…I’ll be teaching my usual Bones for life in-person/Zoom class this Thurs/ Thanksgiving at 11am ET — reach out if you happen to have a free morning!