I took this photo a few weeks ago — drawn by the day to notice the tree in all its beauty.

But now those colors are crusty.  And those limbs and trunk are even more exposed.  Naked.

The courage to be a tree.  To live beautifully in every different season.

And to do it all over again….

We hope you’ll consider joining our circle tonight for Inner Journey journaling….

All are welcome — first-time journalers to long-time writers.  
Inner Journey journaling
6:30pm ET tonight!

your choice: via Zoom or in-person in our Walnut Hills center – 791 E McMillan (45206)
$10 donation / pay-what-you-can

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 0104 9196
Passcode: 215933

And then looking ahead to next week…building upon the incredibly fun sessions we offered last month…
45-min relaxation session

next Tues, Nov 15 at 5:30 or 6:30pm ET
in-person in our Walnut Hills center
791 E McMillan (45206)
$20 donation / pay-what-you-can

reply to this email to schedule your appointment —
very limited spots available!

Healing Touch was begun by nurses for pain-relief and anxiety-relief.
It’s lovely, simple, relaxing, and so helpful!


How will you embrace your beauty, all of it, your whole self?

Brian Shircliff