Self-Care Discoveries Blog


We're all being asked to change a lot, aren't we? COVID has disrupted our routines and expectations about the ways we assumed life should be. Social uprisings have sparked us to question -- some for…

who will you be in 2021, 2022?

I love ancient languages. Studied Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew in college, and have enjoyed cultivating them since then. When I found yoga, I became interested in Sanskrit, the ancient language…

go deeply?

Would you prepare a meal you love and everyone who eats it loves too and then say, "Well that was easy to make and delicious. I'll never make that again..."? Would you brush away the hand of your…


As the winds kick up around the world, as everything is changing so rapidly, and as many of us find ourselves moving less with the COVID-compassionate quarantining, how stable do you feel? Does your…


there’s gift in watching  the rain fall time to sift within the soul all that’s gold and all that wants to be   -- Brian Shircliff . . . posted on Facebook 6/23/2020

feel like you are constantly changing and being invited to change?

We do too. From COVID-19 changing our routines & expectations to Black Lives Matter and the assemblies of people around the world inviting profound & important awakenings... there is a great…

there was a day...

before the Kali Yuga, an age that ancient yogis said began 4000 years ago and will end ~426,000 years from now (!) Kali Yuga means the age of strife (!) the age of quarreling (!!) the age of struggle…


if love is your politic there is no right no left no middle ...only THE ALL   -- Brain Shircliff (originally written June 9, 2019)

how does change happen?

Dear friends in our yoga circle, Some of you reported that you felt a change in your toes, legs, hips, or even elsewhere as a result of your experience with Feldenkrais’ toe lesson yesterday. How did…

you are wildly intelligent!

Jon Kabat-Zinn has inspired me for decades — since I discovered him in 1992. You might know that he began a Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. He…