what’s the buzz?

the wisdom of children

I delight in watching my nephews and friends' and family's kids grow. In a recent conversation with a friend, she mentioned how going for a walk in her neighborhood as an adult is fine.  It can be…

we've got the Powers!

We've got the Powers! Well, that's a rich statement. Last year, Krista Powers published her Midlife Calm: An Alternative to Midlife Crisis with our publishing company, VITALITY buzz, bliss + books.…

December's gifts

I don't know about you, but I have a habit of jam-packing my December. There are so many people I want to see, especially when they're in town for holidays. And all that goodness can get me feeling…

celebrate...NOW IS LOVE!

Cooper Simmons has a lot to celebrate -- his inspiring paintings are much loved by many buyers.  And now the poem he's been playing with since high school is ready for purchase! Cooper shared with me…

sensing life's goodness

We're in the midst of a light rainstorm as I write this.  It's lovely, and thankfully easing the heat and thankfully at a rate that the ground can more easily absorb, much different from what our…

our shelf is growing!

A friend asked me recently why we've gone into publishing with VITALITY. It's a great question! Lots of big names get a lot of attention in our media outlets of all sorts -- but rarely circles of…

finding calm and retreat within

We've been busy bees with our publishing efforts this Spring! In addition to converting all of our books into e-books and print-on-demand possibilities,  VITALITY buzz, bliss + books announces two…

something ever new

Last week I shared with you a little bit about how NLP helped shape my writing of The Naked Path of Prophet  series -- two volumes released last year and hard at work/play with the third as January…

the future looks scary...or better than ever?

The future looks scary sometimes, doesn't it? Pandemics and earthquakes and fires and droughts and heavy rains and hurricanes and floods out of nowhere. Human beings and wavering economies reacting…

have a bold August!

I’ve been feeling the need to be bold lately. I do not fit into my old life, my pre-pandemic life. No matter how hard I try to do what was easy and pleasurable before March 2020, my soul was enlarged…