Last week I shared with you a little bit about how NLP helped shape my writing of The Naked Path of Prophet  series — two volumes released last year and hard at work/play with the third as January hibernates on and on, even with snow here in Cincinnati overnight.

A few good friends asked me to put together this little video — click here for it — to explain “Who is this Brian Shircliff to tell us about the Bible?” and why I’m writing as I’m writing.

You’ll learn about how…

* feeling the wind
* breathing the wind
* meditating, especially vipassana-style
* moving and sensing as we invite in Feldenkrais Method & Movement Intelligence / Bones for LIfe
* the prophetic-ecstatic imagination of the Bible (which is vastly different from the priestly-imagination upon which most modern religion is based)
* the clever imagination of NLP
* the democracy of Healing Touch which recognizes us all as healers — WHOLERS
* the clever nonviolent jujitsu of MLK and Gandhi

…so many things we offer and share at VITALITY…how all of them play in the same sandbox, are of a similar style of imagination that recognizes us as co-equals on this planet…

that is to say that every human breathes the same life-force, what the ancient writers called YAHWEH.

Today at 4:30pm ET, I’m hosting a little Zoom conversation to help friends make the connection between the first writer about YAHWEH in Genesis — a wildly imaginative woman — and Dr. Martin Luther King, especially as we remember him this birthday weekend.

Please pop in anytime between 4:30 – 6:00pm ET, to listen or to share or to ask a question.  If you’re already read some of The Naked Path of Prophet or the volume that precedes it in the biblical tradition — A Wildly Sensual YAHWEH — then you’d have a lot to share in the circle!  I will not be recording this conversation so we can be as candid as we’d like!  🙂

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 8193 2831
Passcode: 550333

May we be so wise and so knowing of the wind as Dr. King and all the great ones on whose shoulders we can stand and see and hear and feel more and more and more…

Brian Shircliff

PS New Healing Touch Level 1 dates…Feb 19-20…very limited sports available.

PPS Birthing a New Age Membership opens next week to welcome a few more friends!