Self-Care Discoveries Blog

'a healer in every home'

Emergency room nurse Janet Mentgen knew that more was possible with her patients who were in terrible pain. So Janet studied with a medical doctor who was using hands-on healing techniques with his…

Tolo Naa...may his memory be a blessing for our whole world!

I felt very powerfully one of my tai chi / qigong teachers today as I played with these moving/breathing styles. Nganga Mfundishi Tolo Naa was among the greats on the planet. The Medicine Man. The…

a very different yoga...

our yoga classes are more sensation-oriented than physically-rigorous... perhaps hearkening back to the roots of yoga 3000+ years ago... more of an invitation to knowing oneself and choosing to live…


How? When I... ...sit with a cup of tea and stare into space and realize it’s all going to be okay, the bigger picture of all things...the meditation that comes, that first begins with a storm of…

what is VITALITY?

I’ve been amazed by the grass this week. How full it has come up.  Green, lush, alive. Same for the weeds along the highway.  Life. There is a life in Spring that I long for in my own life, in my own…

Yoga and the Mountain - by Sarah

Yoga and the Mountain – by Sarah, a brilliant yoga teacher in VITALITY’s 11th Yoga/Healing Touch Internship A step and a breath, a step and a breath, a step and a breath –  a step…

Using Nature to Improve One's Health...

I’ve often wondered where all the holistic endeavors meet . . . from massage to yoga to Healing Touch to acupuncture to aromatherapy to tai chi to Movement Intelligence / Feldenkrais Method to…

What if health...

What if health — complete wholeness — was truly as simple as taking a nap in the somewhat shady, somewhat sunny grass that has not been sprayed growing food oneself and harvesting it and cooking it…

Reflection is the heart of life . . . as evidenced by VITALITY's friends!

By VITALITY co-founder Mike Eck . . . What do you see …. Some of us see the forest Some of us see the trees Some of us see the flowers Some of us see the bees Some of us see the dirt Some of us…