
on the importance of eating

One of the things we know we all need is to eat. When Mike Eck decided to leave his tech sales profession, he left with an interest in making sure everyone eats and eats well, especially with food…


If you've spent time with infants, we adult-speakers come to know their sounds aimed at communicating, at meaning.  A coo this way means they're hungry.  A cry this way means they need to be……

sensing life's goodness

We're in the midst of a light rainstorm as I write this.  It's lovely, and thankfully easing the heat and thankfully at a rate that the ground can more easily absorb, much different from what our…

love in the time of 'stay-at-home'

did Gautama / Buddha set a timer when he sat for meditation? did Jesus have an agenda when he went to the desert to pray and feel the breeze?  after all, the ancients thought the breeze was the 'holy…