Did you enjoy how a sheet or towel could revolutionize your ability to walk with more ease, confidence, even with a little swagger or attitude in your step?

If you missed it, here’s your chance for a couple more days to try out that movement exploration from Bones for Life before it disappears when the Summit begins THURSDAY — woot woot!


We had over 400 people join us LIVE from around the world!

It’s an example of VITALITY reaching our circle around the world.

At the same time we have this knowledge that things that are local are important too…our Inner Journey journaling experiences led by Penny Costilla are a great example.

Perhaps you feel called to join us for our next Inner Journey journaling gathering…

this Tues, Sept 13

and you have the luxury to join us in person at our Walnut Hills space OR via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 0104 9196
Passcode: 215933

RSVP is appreciated!  $10 donation welcomed!

Do you need to be an extremely good writer to participate?

Nah!  Most of us just write for fun or draw or paint or even simply sit and contemplate by watching the paint dry.  All are very welcome!

What might show up on the sheet for you?
Brian Shircliff

PS…save the date for VITALITY’s 12th anniversary potluck-party on Sun, Sept 25 at 12:30pm at Gorman Farm!  More details coming 🙂

And another PS…Sign up for the Move Better, Feel Better event that kicks off Sept 15!  It’s free, just click here:  https://vitality–futurelifenow.thrivecart.com/2022-unlimited-digital-access-mbfb-oto/   I’m thrilled to be included with the Summit this year as you’ll see through the images below.  VITALITY is an affiliate for this event. If you purchase the upgrade at some point, VITALITY may be paid a small commission for referring you. I share this incredible event because it is an incredible opportunity to grow and learn — and help VITALITY to grow too!  Please share it with friends too!