What goodnesses do you remember when you were 12?

This month, our VITALITY circle celebrates being 12 years old/young.

It’s been an incredible journey of friends.  And in many ways, we’re just getting started…

What were you like when you were 12?

Two opportunities to wonder about that…
VITALITY’s 12th anniversary potluck-party
this Sun, Sept 25 at 12:30pm EDT

at Gorman Heritage Farm’s Outdoor Pavilion (rain or shine!)
10052 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45241

all are welcome!

Gorman requests no balloons please
(for their animals’ health)

Consider bringing a photo of yourself when you were 12, or share a memory!

At 12:30 we’ll mingle and eat.  At 1:30 we’ll invite everyone into a larger circle to share memories and finish by 2:30.  Weather looks lovely, so let’s luxuriate in this new season together!


this Tuesday night is our next Inner Journey journaling/meditation…

Inner Journey
Tues, Sept 27 at 6:30 pm EDT

come by Zoom or in-person in Walnut Hills
led by the great Penny Costilla
$10 donation welcome


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 0104 9196
Passcode: 215933

Of course at Inner Journey we can write/draw/contemplate about anything we want to, anything that’s interesting for each one of us….though maybe recalling something of being 12 might offer a gift!

Brian Shircliff

PS…Enjoying the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit?  https://vitality–futurelifenow.thrivecart.com/2022-unlimited-digital-access-mbfb-oto/  Just past the halfway point and plenty still to enjoy.  VITALITY is an affiliate for this event. If you register with this link above and purchase the upgrade at some point, VITALITY may be paid a small commission for referring you. I share this incredible event because it is an incredible opportunity to grow and learn — and help VITALITY to grow too!  Please share it with friends too!