gardening & gleaning
Join us in growing & gleaning local food for food pantries, homeless shelter kitchens, & La Soupe!
Each of our Yoga-Interns volunteers 100 hours in beginning / maintaining community gardens and in gleaning produce from local farms. Friends are welcome to join us too!
Gleaning is a very old concept . . . going back to biblical days when farmers were encouraged to let the poor take what they could find on farms once the farmer had picked the choicest crops for sale. It is the concept that we all share this earth together and can eat together. Sue Plummer organizes gleaning for Southwest Ohio through the Society of St. Andrew, a full-time position that VITALITY co-founder Mike Eck began. Sue has over 12 years of experience with urban-gardening — she is excellent at helping people learn how to grow their own healthy, local food through her vast experience in Walnut Hills gardens. Sue ran VITALITY’s Glean & Share Garden from 2019-2020.
Here’s an interview with our Walnut Hills friend Gary Dangel. Gary has worked with many of our 125+ Yoga-Interns over the years and is much loved by them for his wisdom and community spirit!
Assist in the community gardens of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky and earn your 200-hour Yoga Certification
This 200-hour Yoga Alliance opportunity is for
anyone wanting the skills to become a yoga
teacher. No prior yoga or meditation experience
Assist in the food revolution
VITALITY’s volunteers assist the local-food
revolution, especially by growing food and
healthy food access for low-income
Join VITALITY’s Yoga-Interns in growing & gleaning local food for food pantries & La Soupe
experience the power of the earth by having your hands in it
learn how local food reduces the wild swings of climate change, creates local jobs, and tastes great!