Birthing a New Age

led by Brian Shircliff, offered through VITALITY

for creatives who know something big and new is coming… and who want to help dream it into being. using the creative tools of gentle movement, Feldenkrais Method, Neuro Linguistic Programming, meditation, and all that spring to life within us in our circle

Join today! $97 for one year of access
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000 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

Until Registration Closes!

founding subscribers pay $97 per year and receive... 

weekly writing/creating prompts

five 75-minute Zoom encounters with fellow creatives

share creations, talk about the creative process, share ideas and questions (maximum of 40 creatives in the Zoom circle - the five meetings happen on Thursdays 8:15pm EDT over six weeks)

opportunity to contribute to VITALITY buzz

contribute one piece — writing/lyrics or photograph — to VITALITY buzz, bliss + books’ quarterly journal . . . an opportunity to be published and get your name/work out to a broader audience and be part of a circle of people wondering aloud/allowed about the new age emerging

opportunity to become part of the VITALITY family

submit items to be published through the VATRON process described through

for US residents

a copy of this group’s quarterly journal will be mailed to you

for non-US residents

we’re happy to mail you a copy of this group’s quarterly journal if you provide the postage required for the journal to get to you (VITALITY will cover the first US$4)

Space is limited, don't wait!

Subscribe today for $97 to gain access to this program for one year.

[add_to_cart id="1922"]Already a member? Click here to access the Member Portal
healing touch

Healing Touch was begun by nurses for pain-relief & anxiety-relief!

Healing Touch Program was founded in Colorado in the late 1980’s by Janet Mentgen, a nurse with experience in the U.S. Navy, emergency room, and home health care.  HTP is now a world-wide program, with more practitioners in the Greater Cincinnati area than anywhere else in the world!  In addition to practitioners’ private practices, you will find Healing Touch being practiced in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital, Good Shepherd Catholic Parish, and at VITALITY Cincinnati . . . just to name a few!

From the Healing Touch Program website . . .

Healing Touch is for the person who wants to enhance wellness in themselves and the lives of people they care about by using the gift of energetic touch. Learning Healing Touch will enable you to offer comfort and relief when nothing else seems to help. You will possess a life-changing gift that you can give over and over again, once you have mastered simple, easy-to-learn steps and techniques that support health and facilitate the healing process.

The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmony in the energy system placing the client in a position to self heal. Healing Touch Research has been conducted in a wide variety of settings and with a number of different problems and situations including:

  • Cancer
  • Cardio-vascular disease
  • Death and dying
  • Endocrine/Immune function
  • Pain
  • Patient satisfaction and experience
  • Psychotherapy/Psychology
  • Post operative recovery
  • Stress

These studies demonstrate that there is support for considering Healing Touch for providing integrative care and that patients evaluate it highly. Healing Touch research has been supported and/or funded by hospitals, universities, colleges, professional organizations, private foundations, and the National Institutes of Health, Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

To gain a deeper understanding of the science supporting energy healing, please refer to the many books, journal articles and research findings written on this subject. Scientific evidence does exist that supports the premise that energy healing is effective. However, an experience is worth a thousand words, so the receiving of a Healing Touch treatment can do more to understand this phenomena than all the writings in the world.

What are the benefits of Healing Touch?  (also from

  • Non-Invasive:  Healing Touch is done without the use of invasive procedures such as injections, inserting tubes, medication or surgery.
  • Effective:  Research has shown that Healing Touch facilitates the relaxation response and enhances the healing process.
  • Non-Toxic:  Medications can cause side effects and must be monitored.  Healing Touch restores balance and harmony to our natural biofield without the use of pharmaceuticals.
  • Economical:  Healing Touch does not require the use of equipment or substances and can be done in any setting.  An open heart, a set of hands and a willing spirit is all that is needed.
Journaling & Conversation

led so beautifully by Penny Costilla since VITALITY’s founding in 2010!

Inner Journey

Come gather with your friends and neighbors to reflect on the week and listen for that still, silent voice within each one of us that so readily finds its way to the paper through a journaling practice.

Come Join Us

Held Winter & Spring & Fall months via Zoom!