Neuro Linguistic Programming

something ever new

Last week I shared with you a little bit about how NLP helped shape my writing of The Naked Path of Prophet  series -- two volumes released last year and hard at work/play with the third as January…

the future looks scary...or better than ever?

The future looks scary sometimes, doesn't it? Pandemics and earthquakes and fires and droughts and heavy rains and hurricanes and floods out of nowhere. Human beings and wavering economies reacting…

feel it? it opens TODAY!

You feel it too? The subtle coolness in the hot air? Something new is happening here. And I'm not just talking about the weather! Our first Birthing a New Age group wrapped up last Thursday -- an…

what will the new age/paradigm birth in you?

I just looked at who has signed up for our newest offering, Birthing a New Age. Wow! What a group! People of many generations -- from their 20's to their 80's, from all walks of life and experience.…

birthing a new 2 weeks!

You can feel it too, yeah? That something profound is about to be born...a new age. Nearly every facet of our lives is changing -- and very often for the better with the growing awarenesses of…

the language below

We have this process in Bones for Life / Movement Intelligence where we invite people -- in some special, particular ways -- to kick and scream 'nooooooooo' and then later 'yesssssssss.' Rather…

how does change happen?

Dear friends in our yoga circle, Some of you reported that you felt a change in your toes, legs, hips, or even elsewhere as a result of your experience with Feldenkrais’ toe lesson yesterday. How did…