Every movement class at VITALITY is geared for gentle, slow exploration!
- easy ways to de-stress by moving gently to get the kinks out & then relax in the quiet, led by well-trained practitioners
- multi-generational classes where you can walk-in anytime — no prior knowledge needed — teenagers to centarians!
- we strive to meet each participant where they are, whether you begin in a chair or on a mat!
Call it whatever you want . . . gentle yoga, tai chi, moving meditation…
every movement class at VITALITY is geared for gentle, slow exploration!
All of VITALITY’s yoga classes have been informed by Krishnamacharya’s yoga wisdom of the second half of his 101-year life and Moshe Feldenkrais’ insights into neuroplasticity (that one’s brain can be changed in a split second through slow, gentle movement).
Gentle Yoga & Meditation (Somatic Yoga)
Very gentle explorations of moving and rest, whether from a chair or from a mat or from one’s bed at home.
Tai Chi
Mary Duennes & Brian Shircliff share tai chi in two styles…
Mary shares Capacitar…’to heal ourselves and heal our world. We teach body-based practices that empower people to use their inner wisdom to heal and transform themselves to heal injustice and build peace in their families and communities.’ — from capacitar.org
Brian shares many styles of tai chi & qigong through what he calls ‘Power(ful) Hour’…using the principles of every VITALITY program, explore a Feldenkrais gentle-movement lesson, use your newfound freedom to move & flow easily with gentle tai chi, sit in the quiet…stare at the wall, meditate, pray, contemplate, or rest. All of this within an hour on Wednesday nights at 6pm via Zoom.
Feldenkrais Method & Movement Intelligence / Bones for Life
We all know that walking is some of the best medicine for our bones and our whole selves. But sometimes a joint is tender, or sometimes we feel “out of joint,” out of synch. Who would think that slow, gentle movement might be the way to restore our joints to innocence . . . ?!
- What is Movement Intelligence (Bones for Life)?
90 gentle processes to free your body inside & out, created by Ruthy Alon of the Feldenkrais Method when she was 65 years old to restore our joints to innocence. Ruthy worked with her own osteopenia and rounded back and is now 90 years young, vibrant, and no longer osteopenic! Inspired by African water carriers whose posture and ease in their bodies have been shown to be more efficient and stronger than even the best athletes & Navy SEALS! click here for a little taste of it! - What is Feldenkrais Method? Begun by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904 – 1984) who helped invent radium with the Curies, invented SONAR during World War 2, judo master, speaker of at least nine languages, and somatic pioneer. Feldenkrais continually injured his knee to the point where he was not able to walk. When told that he would never walk again without surgery to attach broken ligaments in the 1940s, he pioneered a way of using his body — slowly, gently, with ease — to re-educate his way of walking and restore his joints and nervous system to innocence. Feldenkrais Method includes voice-guided group classes called Awareness through Movement & one-on-one, hands-on, gentle movement called Functional Integration.