VITALITY Cincinnati

we can’t experience it all…but…

It’s tempting to think we can experience it all…

but with an infinite reality, it sure doesn’t seem likely.

It might be tempting too to want to watch every show and hear every song and read every book and poem and visit every ‘corner’ of Earth and know what it feels like there and on and on and on.   Sounds exhausting.

Perhaps it’s wiser to be attentive to what’s present —

what’s immediately seen, and what hides on the periphery or in the shadow…

what we hear immediately, and what echoes or undertones are also making their way to our ears but we usually filter them out…

what we feel immediately, and what time does to those feelings as feelings of any sort change…grow stronger, fainter, morph.

The solstices can give us such opportunity, I think, to notice differences, to perceive what’s happening just outside of our awareness.  If you know anything about the human nervous system, it (we) thrive upon noticing those differences.  A toddler can be a smooth walker on the sidewalk but as soon as they step into the grass — whoah!  the differences of the clumpy and probably softer surface of the grass compared the the firmer surface of the sidewalk awakens the toddler’s nervous system first to sense the difference and then to act — and fast!  “This is different!  Where do I put my head to stay upright?!  How do I balance myself on my two feet here?  Ughhhhhhhh – I need my hands on the ground!”

The solstices are bridgeways to differences — light and shadow and their effect on how we feel, how much sleep we feel we need.

As our world continues to change — some days vastly — perhaps there is wisdom in gathering with friends around the solstice fire/candle and wondering what new gift the unfolding moment is offering.  Our VITALITY circle meets on Zoom again for 14th Winter Solstice gathering this Saturday…

Winter Solstice Celebration
this Saturday, Dec 21 at 6:30pm EST
led by Penny Costilla
RSVP requrested, reply to this email or text Brian at 513.300.5174
offered by donation — $20 recommended

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 9318 2100
Passcode: 021131

As we always do at the gathering, Penny will invite you to choose a number and that number will match with a positive word that might be gift for you.

Maybe that word is hanging out at the periphery of your vision, or is humming just low enough that oridinarily you can’t hear it, or maybe it’s something you know, some deep well of feeling that is waiting to be acknowledged.

Come join the gathering and come to know more of you, and more of this amazing Universe always showering gifts upon us!

Brian Shircliff

And last call on this…

My private, individual-session Feldenkrais/Bones for Life practice has been growing — and I invite you to share it with a friend this holiday season!  My sessions are usually $100 for 50 minutes (in-person or Zoom)…but this holiday season…

Purchase 4 sessions for the price of 3
as long as you give at least one session as a gift
(total purchase = $300)

That’s right — pay $300 for those four sessions and keep three sessions for yourself and give one session as a gift.  

Or keep two sessions for yourself and give two sessions to friends/family.

Or keep one session for yourself and give three sessions to friends/family.

Or give away all four sessions, you generous soul!

Great for the friend/family who has a recurring ache/pain they’d like to resolve — necks or backs or elbows or knees or feet — we have something in Feldenkrais/Bones for Life for just about any joint pain.

Sessions must be used by Dec 1, 2025.  Reply to this email to claim this great deal!