VITALITY Cincinnati

staying on course with your life


Delight in the midst of so much that can take us away from it.

When we were very, very young, we knew delight and did everything we possibly could to stay with delight.  Watch any baby for a few moments…they delight so readily in something as simple as a nice breath or twiddling fingers or toes or looking into any creature’s loving eyes.  

Sure as infants we had much that could take us off course from marinating in delight — being even one degree too hot or cold, being hungry, even a fold of a blanket that just didn’t feel right.

And did we ever let the world know it!  Ughhhhhhh!!!!

And maybe someone did something about it to our sensational satisfaction, and maybe not.  But eventually we awakened to a new delight and quickly especially if we learned to soothe oneself in some way.

So here Paula and I are inviting a group for us adults to marinate in delight…

why, you might ask?

Because delight is powerful stuff — the very stuff of life — the very discovery in that split second that we are alive and delighting in this being alive, this life.  How easy it is to forget…because….

Someone cuts us off — damn!

Someone shares with us some tragic news — aw!

Or we watch the news just a little too long and get depressed — ugh!

Living within delight, knowing one’s life and saying yes to one’s life — feeling the lifeforce that sustains us that babies and toddlers know well without any words and without any direction — does not mean that we adults never allow ourselves to feel anger or sadness or grief.  

But delight does remind us that we are still alive, still able to make soothing and self-supportive choices that can grow one’s life, one’s delight — especially as adults — and those delightful choices could influence our circle of friends/family and our neighborhood and even the whole world when enough of us are delighting together.  

Being deeply rooted in delight — in life — might provide the vitality to create social change toward a group-shaped ethic that does its best to create structures that support us all with pursuing as much delight/life as we possibly can without getting in the way of someone else’s pursuit of delight/life.

And so here we are, Paula and I inviting a weekly group to marinate in delight together.

What a wonderful group of us gathered last Sunday for our first FIND YOUR VITALITY…DELIGHT…ROOTS!

You can join us any Sunday at 11am EST — though why put off delight? 🙂 

Here’s what we do/are to create together a way where we all can shape a delightful experience…

  • 15 minute quiet sit, any style you like
  • 5 minute free-form move or dance or walk around
  • 10 minute quiet sit, any style you like
  • 10ish minute conversation in the large group about where we’re finding delight recently
  • 15ish minute conversations in small groups
  • 5 minute wrap-up in large group, with intentions for delight for the week ahead

All this within an hour!

Sign up to get the Zoom link to join us

Stay on the course of life…find your delight, grow your delight, and the whole world might delight with you!

Brian Shircliff

PS  Looking ahead…the Inner Journey journaling group meets this Tuesday at 6:30pm…led by Penny Costilla since 2011, no journaling experiencing necessary…another delightful! opportunity