VITALITY Cincinnati

knowing a different rhythm 

We have a lovely group coming together here this morning to launch FIND YOUR VITALITY…DELIGHT…ROOTS!

It’s an invitation to a different rhythm — and one you welcome in your own unique way.

Maybe you’re tired of people telling you how to meditate or pray?

Maybe you’re not fond of people telling you how to move?

Our new FIND YOUR YOUR VITALITY online version beginning today/Sunday at 11am EST invites you to move and rest how you’d like, with this rhythm in mind:

15 minute quiet sit
5 minute free-form move or dance
10 minute quiet sit
10ish minute conversation in the large group about where we’re finding delight recently
15ish minute conversations in small groups*
5 minute wrap-up in large group
All this within an hour!

Sign up asap to get the Zoom link to join us today:

And maybe you’re interested in coming in for this year’s first round of 30-minute Healing Touch sessions this Tuesday, Jan 21 at 6p, 6:30p & 7pm EST…each appointment offered for a $20 donation. Reply to this email by tomorrow/Monday at noon to claim your spot.

What better ways to know more delight in your life!

Brian Shircliff