Did Winter prune you back a bit?
Or did you do some of your own pruning and now are readier for what some warmth might offer your deepened roots?
Wandering what you can grow to become?
Perhaps our Spring offerings will pique your interest…
Spring Retreat
Sat, April 13
10a – 2p ET
Gentle Yoga by Logan Probst
Mind Clearing by Helen Buswinka
Journaling Invitations by Tonia Smith
$72 for the experience
registration closes April 3 – very limited spots available
register by clicking here and paying $72
two vegan soups from La Soupe provided, bring something to share!
and another opportunity to share too…
Andrea Tutt and I have loved teaching Bones for Life® together through Future Life Now’s very successful Zoom classes. And this Spring, Andrea and I are teaming up to offer some exciting IN-PERSON opportunities…Come-See if Bones for Life is right for you on any of these three times — but you’d better register early!
Bones for Life® Come-See
Sun, April 7 from 10am – 12 noon
Sun, April 14 from 1 – 3pm
Thurs, April 18 from 6 – 8pm
and they’re free!!!
RSVP by texting me at 513.300.5174
I have a lot to share about why I think Bones for Life is the best movement offering out there…save that for the next time.
Have a great weekend! Spring!
Brian Shircliff
* our next drop-in class is this Tuesday’s Zoom Inner Journey journaling at 6:30pm! more details soon
* donations for our drop-in programs help us pay our rent, and we know $10-20 could be too much for someone…all gifts welcome, from the change you found on the sidewalk today to a check if you won the lottery…no one is ever turned away for our drop-in classes…all truly welcome!