Our Inner Journey circle has given a number of poets and creators an opportunity to try out, to air out new ideas.
It is something to put such sound and vibration and pause into the air with a poem.
Friends from our circle, Erin Crowley and Evan Underbrink, will have their books coming out here very soon. They would so appreciate your support with your pre-order.
Evan Underbrink’s first book Milford was a wondeful offering for our world…and wait until you read his second book Coracle Days. We need 75 friends to pre-order a copy or two to give this book life — and do that by the end of today and you get your name in the book as a supporter, a patron/matron, a VATRON as we call it.
order Evan’s book here: https://vitalitybuzz.org/shop/coracle-days/
Erin Crowley’s innerfruit is a beautiful testimony to growing into life. While Erin’s book has plenty of pre-orders to get us close to printing it, last call to get your name in the book as a VATRON. You all might remember that Erin is a much loved yoga teacher, a graduate of our Yoga/Healing Touch Internship – she shines!
order Erin’s book here: https://vitalitybuzz.org/shop/innerfruit/
It’s easy to forget how important poetry and song is to human life on the planet. What song or phrase, what wisp of poetry you’re humming or whispering, is already bringing you joy today?
And will I see you here tomorrow at…?
Abundance & Success
from the perspective
of Family Constellations
led by Paula Dunson tomorrow/Friday, March 8 at 10am
for a pay-what-you-can-donation to VITALITY!
RSVP to me by call/text 513.300.5174
2 spots left so claim your seat early!
Brian Shircliff
* donations for our drop-in programs help us pay our rent, and we know $10-20 could be too much for someone…all gifts welcome, from the change you found on the sidewalk today to a check if you won the lottery…no one is ever turned away for our drop-in classes…all truly welcome!