VITALITY Cincinnati


We had a wonderful workshop at VITALITY last Saturday, Family Constellations led by Anne Becker and Paula Dunson.  Wow.

I’ve been discovering more and more how important it is to have new experiences — novel experiences — where I am naive, where I am new.  It’s a path to being renewed as I delight in leaving behind an old map of reality for awhile and accepting a new map, a new way of sensing the world.

I might find that my old map was better.  I might find that something of the new map could update my old map.  Sometimes I even discover that my old map really isn’t useful anymore, or that my clutching it so tightly prevented me from noticing much else.

Our Cincinnati Genius of Waters reminds me to appreciate just how much the Universe offers a free-flow of new possibilities, just as the water flows from our Genius, at least on warmer days.  How much are you willing to receive of the Waters’ goodness?

Maybe it’s Family Constellations that does it for you, or tomorrow/Tuesday night’s Inner Journey journaling led by Helen Buswinka, 6:30pm in our new space, $10-20 donation requested.

Maybe it’s Bones for Life or Feldenkrais that does it for you as it has so many all over the world…and beginning again tomorrow in-person:
Bones for Life® 5-week series on Tuesday mornings
(one spot remaining!)
10:30 – 11:45am EST
starts tomorrow…Feb 13, 20, 27 + March 5, 12
$95 for the whole series or $30 to drop-in for a single class

Feldenkrais® & Bones for Life® 4-week series on Thursday evenings
(three spots remaining!)
6:30 – 7:45pm EST
Feb 15, 22, 29 + March 7
$80 for the whole series or $30 to drop-in for a single class

Register by clicking here and simply paying the amount for your series and be sure you include your name (do not check Anonymous) or text/call me at 513.300.5174 to make arrangements for your check.

Hope to see you tomorrow for Bones for Life at 10:30am or Inner Journey journaling at 6:30 or both.  There’s a gift to giving ourselves different experiences.  Where will you begin and allow yourself to receive more and more the free-flow of goodness the Universe continually offers?

Brian Shircliff

* donations for our drop-in programs help us pay our rent, and we know $10-20 could be too much for someone…all gifts welcome, from the change you found on the sidewalk today to a check if you won the lottery…no one is ever turned away for our drop-in classes…all truly welcome!