VITALITY Cincinnati

we’ve got the Powers!

We’ve got the Powers!

Well, that’s a rich statement.

Last year, Krista Powers published her Midlife Calm: An Alternative to Midlife Crisis with our publishing company, VITALITY buzz, bliss + books.  It grew to be our best selling book of 2022!

And for good reason.  Krista reminded us that each one of us has the power to find calm within, no matter the circumstances, no matter our age.  For sure, we are all always in ‘midlife.’  Krista’s personal story of finding calm through illness, through grief, through the ebbs and flows of relationships, through career change can inspire all of us to discover the resources for calm and wisdom within ourselves…and how.

And this year, another Powers has come to VITALITY buzz, bliss + books to publish another inspiration.  Kyle Powers’ Rodney the Rhino Just Can’t Win is being printed as we speak – available next week!

It’s such an inspiring story for kids and adults alike about discovering one’s gifts, and beautifully illustrated by Katie Brobst.

Cousins Krista and Kyle remind us all that we have the power within for living a rich life of wonder, of luxuriating in the simplest and most important resources within…one’s beating heart and ability to move, the lifebreath we all share, our discovery that we always have choices and can invent even more.  Powerful!

How will you know a little more your power for goodness today?

Brian Shircliff

(photos of Krista and Kyle below provided by the authors)