This Tuesday night, we’re getting the band back together again to offer Healing Touch sessions — and WE NEED YOU!
We have plenty of wonderful people coming to practice Healing Touch…Alyssa, Bruce, Geralyn, Helen, Liz, Mary, Peg, Stephanie, Tonia.
And now we need people who will allow us to practice what we’ve learned — would you please help us out and sign up for a session?
All you’d need to do is rest on a massage table, fully clothed. You can even take a little nap. One or two trained people will, with your permission, lightly touch your joints.
Some wonderful things have happened when we’ve had these big groups practicing together. Let’s discover together what might be possible in this (post?)pandemic world. At the very least, you’ll probably find yourself very relaxed.
45-min relaxation session
Tues, Oct 18 at 5:30 or 6:30pm ET
in-person in our Walnut Hills center
791 E McMillan (45206)
$20 donation / pay-what-you-can
reply to this email to schedule your appointment
Healing Touch was begun by nurses for pain-relief and anxiety-relief.
It’s lovely, simple, relaxing, and so helpful!
Donations at all of our classes/sessions are helping us to rent a larger space of our own…soon, please!
And if you haven’t had a chance to check out the free-for-three-more-days Bones for Life class Cynthia Allen, Andrea Tutt, and I offered, please do. Click here for a little neck and shoulder and whole self relief.
We’d love for you to join us for our Bones for Life Immersions beginning Nov 7too…but you’ll need to register by this Tues, Oct 18.
I’m always reminded of my golf roots with Ben Hogan’s wise words. “Every day you miss playing or practicing is one day longer it takes to be good.”
We at VITALITY know we exist in goodness — but why wait one more day to know it even more deeply in your flesh and bones?
Brian Shircliff
…sometimes it just takes a new perspective…