VITALITY Cincinnati

take charge of your health…instantly!

Three ways to take charge of your health, so easily and instantly.  Mine the beautiful gold within you!

One way…

with Brian Shircliff, Andrea Tutt, and Cynthia Allen
tomorrow! OCTOBER 11, 2022 at 10:00am ET
– participate live or on replay –

click here to sign up

Bones for Life is a path to upright health through Ruthy Alon’s Movement Intelligence program. For people that struggle with posture, hypermobility, bone health, and more.

It is also a pathway for teachers/practitioners to put students and patients back in charge of their own health.

Experience short movement processes from Bones for Life® and immediately feel a positive impact on your own health. Plus, learn how you can participate in our upcoming program starting in October.

Two ways…next week gift yourself a

45-min relaxation session

Tues, Oct 18 at 5:30 or 6:30pm ET
in-person in our Walnut Hills center
791 E McMillan (45206)
$20 donation
– very limited spots available –

click here to schedule your appointment

Healing Touch was begun by nurses for pain-relief and anxiety-relief.  Participants rest fully-clothed on a low, comfy table or chair as trained volunteers gently rest their hands, with your permission, on your joints.  It’s lovely, simple, relaxing, and so helpful!

Three ways…catch the replay of Mike Eck’s talk and panel discussion about


click here for the wildly inspiring replay

and how growing food for themselves and others and being outdoors has changed these four panelists’ lives!

Autumn is teeming with life, gold.  Dancing with into the season…one small, important move and breath at a time!

Brian Shircliff