VITALITY Cincinnati


Three encores!

Firs encore…our 12th anniversary party was scrumptious in every way — lovely Autumn weather, wonderful friends, fun remembering, and the food!  My goodness!  Thanks to Bones for Life friend Lindsay Wilson for capturing this image of the cake!

Second encore…today is the last free day of the Feldenkrais Summit — you can experience anything from the past 10 days for free!  Catch the stories about Moshe yesterday?  Oh goodness — so, so beautiful.  You won’t want to miss any of them.  Register here to experience it all:


VITALITY is an affiliate for this event. If you register with this link above and purchase the upgrade at some point, VITALITY may be paid a small commission for referring you.

Third encore…tonight/Tuesday is our Inner Journey journaling/meditation at 6:30 pm EDT…

come by Zoom or in-person in Walnut Hills
led by the great Penny Costilla
$10 donation welcome

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 0104 9196
Passcode: 215933

What in your life is begging for you to ecstatically bellow out ENCORE!  ENCORE!  ENCORE! to a Universe that wants to give it?

There’s more, friends, there’s more — and in a circle, we celebrate the invitation to it and the receiving of it, of all that each of us wants to experience in this life.

Brian Shircliff