VITALITY Cincinnati

circles and spirals are different…

Circles and spirals.

In 2012, I visited by family’s homeland in Ireland, my first time.  I circled and spiraled through Galway and something within me knew the town as if I’d been there before…even though it was my first visit.

Circling through this land spiraled forth a new sense of life within me.  I was changed.

These photos of Knowth I took on that trip reveal a 5000-year old human interest in circles and spirals.  You might recall that in Bones for Life we play quite a bit with spirals…after all our bones spiral and our very DNA is a spiral…the deepest nature of who we are.

Everything we offer at VITALITY has the circle of gathered friends in mind.  It’s a different way of proceeding when every voice is invited, where we sit in the quiet together and breathe and wonder and discover what wants to be born.

Such a thing only happens in circles, much different from sage-on-the-stage and teacher-student models.  When we are all learners and discoverers, something special happens.

Perhaps you’d like to explore how our circle might help you spiral more authentically onto your path…
Inner Journey 
led by Penny Costilla

tomorrow/Wednesday, 8/17
7pm, via Zoom
$10 donation requested


Penny will gather us for awhile in our Zoom-circle and then there will be time on our own to write, paint, draw, compose, dance, stare at the wall and watch the paint dry.  It’s always a lovely and inspiring time.

What might show up for you…to spiral you into ever richer life?

Brian Shircliff

PS…did you sign up for the Move Better, Feel Better event that kicks off Sept 15?  It’s free, just click here:  https://vitality– VITALITY is an affiliate for this event. If you purchase the upgrade at some point, VITALITY may be paid a small commission for referring you. I share this incredible event because it is an incredible opportunity to grow and learn — and help VITALITY to grow too!  Please share it with friends too!