VITALITY Cincinnati

the end times…or a beginning?

Something new is coming about, isn’t it?

You feel it too?

Change is in the air — and has been for decades surely…

…radical awakening in the 60s and 70s all the way to the present…peace becoming a way more and more of us opt for… people who hadn’t been recognized as equals proudly, loudly, and clearly awakening others to know it too…women, indigenous people, people of color, LGBTQ+ people and more

…realizing the limits of modern religion or even leaving it behind altogether for something else…maybe a closer-to-the-ground awareness of life in all its fullness

…teetering on the precipice of planetary disaster and discovering solutions and bright ideas together so that future generations can live here

…and now living with this pandemic and the changes in life that are being invited…including the realization that there aren’t infinite resources on this planet and all the waking up we humans are doing and leaving/changing careers for something more life-giving.

And these are just a few of the changes in the air, right?

Would you like to join with friends who will listen and watch and feel along with you all these changes happening societally and within each one of us?

We have space for 7 people to join a group who has been meeting via Zoom since last summer…and you’d fit right in!  BIRTHING A NEW AGE, we call it.

What do we do?  We simply talk and listen to and with and for one another.

It’s been fascinating.  And helpful for most of us…especially in contemplating changes in our own lives.

Some of us have made some tremendous leaps through the support of the group — written books and songs, made strides to change careers, moved forward with plans for life that have been dawdling about for years, read and thought about things suggested by new friends that were never on our radar.

It’s easy to think the end of the world is approaching — to begin frothing at the mouth and getting all apocalyptic.

But the end of the age has come many times already…and as some historians note, every 500 years or so.

It’s actually quite exciting to think that we are witnessing and participating in a new age being birthed before our eyes and ears and hearts, through our eyes and ears and hearts, yeah?

Join with us — click here to get more information and sign up…and please to do that by Tuesday at midnight.  That’s this Tuesday, Feb 1…so that we can get you all set to join us in the Zoom-circle this week!

Want to know a bit more about how it’s coming together within me?  click here for a short video

Stepping with you over this threshold — even dancing a few of those steps! — and finding the joy in each one,

Brian Shircliff

PS Healing Touch Level 1: Feb 19-20 & Healing Touch Level 2: March 26-27…very limited spots available for each class.