VITALITY Cincinnati

what will the new age/paradigm birth in you?

I just looked at who has signed up for our newest offering, Birthing a New Age.

Wow! What a group!

People of many generations — from their 20’s to their 80’s, from all walks of life and experience.

And what will we be doing? Talking, wondering, listening, growing our senses so that we can perceive the differences between this new age emerging and the ways of past ages that still linger and try to pull us backwards.

In the new age, perhaps it will be possible to see with one’s touch, to hear with one’s eyes, to smell with one’s whole being…to be a creature who can know THE ALL in every moment.

Imagine a world where humans can slow down the moment and perceive the goodness, the life in it, in every opportunity. Perhaps then there will be no more war, no more destruction of our planet — only love.

Sign-ups for this first group close in a little over a day…just after the first full moon of the summer.

What will you get by signing up for $97?

  • access to a circle of friends who will meet 5 times starting Thurs, July 1 and who want to hear what you say
  • a year’s worth of weekly short 2 – 5 minute prompts to grow your senses and your ease of living…ideas from Feldenkrais Method, Neuro Linguistic Programming, meditation and creativity
  • an opportunity to get your ideas or artwork published through VITALITY’s new press — through VITALITY’s annual journal or through your very own book
  • perhaps a whole new way of being…

Grow with us, friends. Discover with us what the new age/paradigm might be inviting. Be more and more your authentic self living your dreams for life on this amazing planet…

Brian Shircliff
program director