VITALITY Cincinnati

the wonder of the dancing steam…

Everyone keeps asking if I’m ready to hibernate…especially after quarantining the past eight months.

I think I am.

The hibernating months of December and January and February have always been rich months of listening, of visioning, of wondering, of playing with ideas, of sitting with a cup of tea and letting the steam dance.

How about you?

Perhaps you’re looking for friends as you hibernate — this year through the luxury of Zoom…

people on whom you can count, reliable friendly faces you can meet through the comfort of your own home, without having to make a covid-risk.

Not sure where or how to begin this journey?  Reach out to me, or join Tonia Smith and more friends and me at tomorrow’s Zoom Open House:

Zoom Open House on Saturday, Dec 5 from 1 – 2pm ID: 868 8931 8422         Passcode: 792780

We’ll be talking especially about our 2021 trainings…

200-hour Yoga Certification
300-hour Advanced Yoga Certification
Bones for Life / Movement Intelligence
Healing Touch

…and open too to answer questions about any of our weekly drop-in classes.

Who knows what new vision of life might come in taking the first step forward…into life’s richness.

Brian Shircliff
program director

check out our documentary by clicking here and please share it with someone who needs to know that change can be fun and easy in a circle of friends!  🙂