VITALITY Cincinnati

the language below

We have this process in Bones for Life / Movement Intelligence where we invite people — in some special, particular ways — to kick and scream ‘nooooooooo’ and then later ‘yesssssssss.’

Rather peculiarly, such a process can help improve one’s walking, the major focus of Movement Intelligence. Imagine that!

Of course, such a process as this kicking-and-screaming can help with a lot of things.

Recently, in one of the online immersions Cynthia Allen and I have been co-teaching, it was fascinating to watch this tantrum-like process unfold in people’s own homes.

Dogs and cats came running when they heard the human shouts. ‘Did I do something wrong?’ ‘Are you okay?’ ‘Can I help?’ ‘What can I do?’

Sweet love and concern communicated from pet to human.

Animals are often more tuned into some of the deeper currents of life, yes?

It’s the language below the language . . . the sounds below the words that sometimes offer our deepest meanings.

Sometimes in simply remembering that I am an animal, a creature, I can capture a glimpse of this innocence, and the innocence of first-language…sounds.

Perhaps you know something of this, that you have something to say but it just doesn’t come through with words. Maybe in a relationship. Maybe at work. Maybe in an interview or big presentation.

Consider checking out this three minute video about NLP . . . Neuro Linguistic Programming. Know something of the language below the language, the words below the words.

It’s an invitation to feel, to feeling, as we once did through the tantrums that we threw as children and, maybe, still throw.

As children, such tantrums were not so easy for our older siblings or adults to deal with. But they and we all knew that while getting it all out was not so pretty, later such releases would allow us to be reasonable again. Calm. Alive to much more than was aggravating us in the first place.

Tantrums. Primal language. It might be just what you and I needed and still need.

Hum with me…
make your sound…
sound your ‘barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world’! *

It very well could be just what the whole ever-changing world needs . . .

Brian Shircliff
program director

Click here for details about our new Advanced Yoga Training, which includes Movement Intelligence / Bones for Life immersions, ancient language study, and conversation about ancient texts…all welcomed through an ‘adult learning’ style (aka ‘do what you can and like’). It’s going to be fun, and if just a portion of it interests you, we’ll invite you to jump into that portion.

* Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass . . . reimaginer of ecstatic poetry, much like the ecstatics / prophets on the mountaintops of Ancient Israel 3000 years ago & on the banks of the Indus River Valley 3000 – 5000 years ago