VITALITY Cincinnati

a conversation within myself…

how easy
it is
to feel that some myth
was truly the one to follow
some movie, some story, some history/herstory/theirstory, some real happening…
it doesn’t matter how one defines ‘myth’…

in any case,
to think that something must be this way
that I should follow it
that anyone should follow it

the draw is easy
maybe comforting

but it is not life
it is not living

what ‘was’ surely might repeat
whether we like it or not —

but it *is* not now the same as it *was*

the air moves differently than it did
the sun now at a slightly different angle
a different blend of pollen in the air
a sneeze a second later than usual, or earlier
the ground softer, harder — different

and so I try to let all that old stuff be
interesting to contemplate
for sure —
to wonder how it built me for this moment

but to touch this moment — ah
now that’s a different thing entirely

— and where abundant life flows


Brian Shircliff