As our Ohio governor was announcing wisely the closing of schools, we had decided to close VITALITY through at least March 23 with an aim toward health and safety for us all.
And as I went outside to get a breath of fresh air, I heard the birds chirping…saw the flowers pushing their way to new life…felt the warmer breeze on my skin.
Perhaps we’re being invited to retreat during this time. Not in a ‘run-away’ kind of thing or even a ‘get-away-to-some-far-off-place’ kind of thing . . .
instead, to enter more deeply one’s own home space, to carve out time for the things we’ve always wanted to do there, to read a book, to enjoy the sounds of birds, of our naked toes in the dirt of our own yard, to feel the breeze . . .
life’s deeper pulse . . .
and within!
We at VITALITY have put together a few very short videos — between 5 and 10 minutes long — to give little tastes of what Dr. Feldenkrais was up to.
Dr. Feldenkrais’ whole body of work invites each of us to become aware of how we move, to discover we have choices in how we move, even very subtle choices that can be known only in the quiet, in the unhurried life . . .
such a life that we are being offered these next few weeks as we keep ourselves and one another well, by staying at home as much as possible.
We hope this first video invites you to a gentle, easy, loving experience of yourself . . . click here to find the page on our website and then click play and enjoy!
In the quiet, in sensing the life within you, in such a gentle way these weeks, perhaps you might begin to envision the life of your deepest desires.
May our retreat these weeks help us all to have visions of the lives we desire, and all that is possible.